Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Evolution of the New Grad Nurse

So it might be slightly exaggerated, but I think we've probably all felt like the new grad nurse in this video and have wanted to just RUN AWAY! Being a student is scary, especially in a job that carries so much responsibility, but with time, I hope we'll all learn to be smart, confident nurses! As students and new grads, we have to keep in mind that everyone has been in our place, at one time. With time comes experience, and with experience comes confidence! You will survive!

1 comment:

Kailey Bruce said...

Great choice of movie Lisa that is exactly what it feels like sometimes being a new graduate nurse or even a nursing student. I know I have had a few days were I have questioned why I am in this career as some of the things you come across are imaginable. I am glad that things improve as time goes on and we gain experience. I am also thankful for the patients we have that make such an impact on us, so we can remember why we are in nursing.